Monday, February 14, 2011

V-day. Whats the answer?

Ok, I know "Love" is supposed to be this abundant thing that captivates us all and blah blah blah. Lets get it in. Love is an emotion, nothing more. What is an emotion, well lets ask Mr. Webster:

n. 1. A moving of the mind or soul; excitement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful; disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body.

Ok then, so its basically a chemical reaction in the brain that is stimulated by feelings of excitement resulted from a variable. So this thing called "Love" is exactly that, the result of a feeling. "No shit Josh! Everyone knew that." Oh my bad, i thought what people considered to be "Love" these days was diamonds, chocolates, and new shoes. Pink and fuckin' red money that we spend on others to show how much we LOVE them. Now lets re-cap. If "Love" is an emotion, that is stimulated through feelings. That must mean that all this sharing, like buying necklaces, earrings, and perfume. Is the variable that is stimulating this so called "Love" in your heart. Correct? Soooo intern, that must mean that you're not really in "Love" with who ever is buying you this shit, unless they have the same effect on you as well. "But Jarsh!! THEY DOOOOO!!" Right, so if this significant other of yours is sooooo awesome, amazing, and otherworldly. Why the fuck does this retarded holiday exist!?!?! If you truly "Love" someone, why did this great almighty country of ours, decide to make one day exploiting it!? Why not the whole year!? Why is February 14th the day of Love!? Better question, why does everyone fall victim to it!? Please answer in the form of a question. That is all, enjoy your day. :)

BONUS QUESTION: Why is it that men seem to be the ones targeted with buying this over priced bullshit? The fuck did we ever do!?

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